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October 28, 2022

Polly Gives Back: Q3 Recap

At Polly, we don’t live (or work) in a bubble.

We see the world around us and know that there’s so much that can be made better, safer, happier. So we give our employees 8 hours of paid time to contribute to their communities in whatever way they’d like.

These are just a few stories of how our team members have chosen to give back.

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Rene created “Fore the Kids Tampa Bay,” a non-profit organization that provides golf clubs and gear to kids who wouldn’t otherwise get the chance to play. It started small – just a few sets of clubs given to First Tee Tampa. Suddenly, it was 105 sets of clubs and the Director of First Tee Tampa said it was the best year they’d ever had. Every single kid had clubs to play with and take home for practice. A truly amazing success.

Kat chose to use her volunteer time to help clean up the Missisquoi River in Vermont. She contacted the Missisquoi River Basin Association and volunteered to kayak down the river, picking up trash along the way. And when we say trash, well, she and her fellow volunteers spotted a few old tires polluting the river, so they stopped to dig them up.

Nine members of Polly’s Engineering Team spent half of their workday volunteering at the Chittenden County Humane Society in South Burlington, Vermont. Yes, they got the chance to play with some animals. But the most important part was helping clean up the shelter. This included organizing storage rooms, washing laundry, and mopping the floors. The team also donated a shop vac to the shelter that better fit their needs.

Every Wednesday from June through August, Christina, Kate and Skylar from the People Team visited the King Street Center on their lunch break to join the Book Buddies program. Each week, they were partnered up with a child from Kindergarten or 1st Grade and helped them read a book. Each week, they got to know the kids, helped them to learn and, most importantly, to fall in love with books.

Chelsea spent her volunteer day preparing meals for food-insufficient community members through the Food Not Bombs organization in Burlington, Vermont. She helped prep ingredients and made dozens of sandwiches for her community.

Polly’s values are Be Caring, Be Trusting. Be Bold, Be Real, Be Curious and Be Transformational.

Every member of our team has their own way of expressing these values for the greater good of their communities. Interested in joining the team? Check out our job openings here.

Tag(s): News


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